Category Archives: Being A Translator

Translation Companies Getting the Best Out of Your Translators

Global trade has necessitated translation to and from many languages of the globe. An intricate process, owning to variations in syntax and construction rules in world languages, translation entails a careful selection of translator and reviewer services. Since you cant review the quality of a translated document, you can make sure that: 1. The document you are giving for translation is of the best level possible. 2. The team you are paying meets your top notch requirements. Before handing off: 1. Initiate the spell check and grammar […]

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Tips to Help You Start Your Own All Round Translation Business

There is no shortage of translators who take the plunge and set up shop as self-employed freelancers, but few have the ambition or the spirit to start up their own all-round translation agency. This is not surprising, of course, as the establishment of a full- scale translation agency is a quantum leap compared with what it takes to launch a viable freelance practice. Nevertheless, the intellectual and financial rewards of business ownership can be substantial. Below I will discuss various aspects you will have to take into […]

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Freelance Strategies in the Translation Business

Working for an agency or for private clients? One of the main challenges for freelance translators is to find suitable clients, and once they have found them, one of their main concerns is how to retain them. As a freelancer you may well find that working for translation agencies rather than for private clients offers both peace of mind and a more reliable flow of orders. As a professional freelancer you are doubtlessly well aware of the many benefits of freelance work. Most of these will be […]

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